Featured Post: Day 1

Featured Post: Trick or Treat!

For Halloween I'm passing out treats, and what's better than candy? Zombies of course! Day 1 is a hauntingly good read that tells the story of what happens when the small town of Augen, Mississippi is faced with the first day of the Zombie Apocalypse.

From now until October 31st [11:59pm] you can download a free copy of Day 1 from Amazon [UK Version Here].

Also follow me on Facebook and Twitter for up-to-date promotions and information.

Day 1 Available in Paperback

Hello Readers and Friends, I have great news! After much consideration and debate I have decided to release Day 1 in paperback format. A few people have expressed their interest in the book but do not want to use the eBook/kindle option and I want to make sure that those people, and possibly you, are able to enjoy a good read.

Read a Short Excerpt of Day 1
Purchase Day 1 in Paperback [UK]

So you want to know some even better news? I am going to extend Day 1 in to a multi-volume series. There has been a lot of positive feedback to the story of Day 1 and with that positive feedback people have expressed interest in diving deeper in to the story that gives you an alternative glimpse in to a world overrun by zombies. The idea is brilliant and I would love to thank all of my readers and supporters for this wonderful idea and their continued support.

If you haven't picked up a copy of Day 1 [Volume 1] you should do so today.
Kindle Edition $1.99 [UK]
Paperback $4.99 [UK]

I would also love to hear your input on who the next installment should be written about. Which character's story would intrigue you? Do you want to know about the man behind the basement door? Or how about the one who moved the refrigerator? Share your ideas and opinions on my Facebook page, while you're there go ahead and Like my page so you can receive up to date information on my published works and merchandise discounts. You can also Follow Me on Twitter and share your ideas for Day 1 Volume 2 with the hashtag #Day1Vol2.