Featured Post: Day 1

Featured Post: Trick or Treat!

For Halloween I'm passing out treats, and what's better than candy? Zombies of course! Day 1 is a hauntingly good read that tells the story of what happens when the small town of Augen, Mississippi is faced with the first day of the Zombie Apocalypse.

From now until October 31st [11:59pm] you can download a free copy of Day 1 from Amazon [UK Version Here].

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Day 1: Short Excerpt

Enjoy an excerpt from my upcoming short story "Day 1", due to be released on Amazon.com September 2012:

You know when you’re watching a movie and you think “There’s no way viruses can spread so fast” or “There’s no way that can happen in real life”. I’ve been guilty of it, myself. You just don’t know how resilient sicknesses can be. 

 Is this a sickness? 

 I wasn’t going to write more today, but what else is there to do? It’s a little after 9 in the morning; we got little sleep last night. They were more active than they have been during the night time. We had been using the night for cover to check on the few neighbors who are left, to stock up on some more food, to get some water from the well. We couldn’t do that last night. They were loud and everywhere. So we just sat in the bedroom, trying to grab a few winks of sleep before the morning rose and we would really have to be on guard. 

Mike was sent home from the hospital that same night. A few bandages and jokes about how they would have to take skin from his ass to fix his face. I drove Mike home myself that night, after calling my Molly and telling her I was going to be a bit late. She had heard the news; it travels fast in a small town like McComb. She didn’t seem too worried, but that was because she probably had no idea what really happened inside the McHaloran house. Sometimes news ended up a bit embellished as it made its way down the grapevine and with Molly being a veteran cop wife, she knew to take all information with a grain of salt. But no matter how embellished the news she heard had been, I was willing to bet it all on black that there was no way the fiction would be as gruesome as the reality. 

I went over to check on Greg, to see how his arm was faring. I would have to ask him some questions sooner or later about what he saw at old Harold’s, and how he came to be with a bite on his arm. Greg wasn’t looking too good when I called upon him. His wife, Marybelle, told me he had been running a fever ever since he got home. The bite on his arm wasn’t looking too bad. He got off easy, I thought at the time. 

I tried to ask Greg about what had happened, but he wouldn’t talk. He still had that terrified look in his eyes. The same look I had seen when he came rushing out of Harold’s place. I couldn’t blame him; I was certain I looked a little more than disturbed myself. So I let him be. Harold wasn’t going anywhere and this was the sort of report that was going to take more than a few days to put together, so I just headed back home. Molly had a plate ready for me in the fridge and told me she would heat it up, but I wasn’t hungry. No. Not after what I had seen.

 I wasn’t hungry then, but I am a bit peckish right now, so I’ll come back to this later on. I don’t even know why I’m bothering. Who am I writing this for? Who’s going to be left to read it?